qTeller MaizeGDB
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March 2021: MaizeGDB qTeller now has data for version 5 of B73 and the NAM Founders! Select either "B73v5 [NAM Consortium]" or "NAM Founders [NAM Consortium]" under the drop-down menus above.

October 2019: MaizeGDB qTeller has a new look! Now we can compare expression and abundance under the menu 'Compare RNA & Protein'.

Questions or suggestions? Please let us know on the Contact page.

Welcome to an updated version of qteller! Compare RNA & Protein

Single-Gene Expression Options

NOTE: NAM Visualize Expression accepts only gene model IDs (Zm000), not classical or GRMZM IDs.

NOTE: The Diepenbrock 2017 bioproject does not include reads for Ki11 or M162W, and NC358 and CML228 do not include all tissue types.

Gene Name:

Try entering the id for Zm00001eb000060

qTeller takes a little while to generate figures. Don't panic it nothing happens for 30 seconds after you click Submit.

Select expression data

Select which expression datasets you would like to analyze:

(NAM Consortium):All on All off
Root 8 days after sowingShoot 8 days after sowingEmbryo 16 days after pollinationEndosperm 16 days after pollination
Pre-pollination anther R1Vegetative base 11Vegetative middle 11Vegetative tip 11
Meiotic earMeiotic tassel

(Diepenbrock 2017 [DellaPenna Lab]):All on All off
whole seed 36 days after pollinationwhole seed 30 days after pollinationwhole seed 24 days after pollinationwhole seed 20 days after pollination
whole seed 16 days after pollinationwhole seed 12 days after pollinationshootroot

(Lin 2017 [Schnable Lab]):All on All off
seedling rootseedling shootimmature unpollinated ear tipimmature tassel
SAM apex